> Top One Hundred Reasons Why Captain Kirk is Better Than Captain Picard > > 100. Kirk is a leader, not a follower. > 99. Kirk never really got into that kinky "Jumpsuit" look. > 98. Kirk has sex more than once a season. > 97. One Word: Hair. > 96. Another Word: Pretty-good-looking-can't-see-the-weave-WIG. > 95. Kirk can beat up a Klingon bare-handed. > 94. Picard is a French man with an English accent. > 93. Kirk would date Beverly Crusher -- and damn the consequences!! > 92. Kirk never drinks tea. Ever. > 91. Diplomacy for Kirk is a phaser and a smirk. > 90. Kirk would personally throw Wesley off his bridge. > 89. Two words: Shoulder Roll. > 88. Kirk doesn't wear dresses when admirals arrive for lunch. > 87. Kirk once said: "I've got a belly-ache -- and it's a beauty." > 86. Kirk would never sing to children in a crisis. > 85. Kirk can almost drive a stick shift. > 84. Kirk, almost single-handedly, re-populated the Earth's whale > population. > 83. Kirk says "Prime Directive? What Prime Directive?" > 82. Kirk knows 20th Century curses. > 81. Kirk was NEVER infiltrated by the Borg and used against the > Federation. > 80. Kirk ate little coloured cubes and still remainedrelatively healthy. > 79. Kirk made do with obviously low performance technology. > 78. Kirk never pretends to be a barber in order to gain a tactical > advantage. > 77. Kirk wasn't shy about taking his shirt off > --even around those pesky Yeomans. > 76. Kirk would never waste a holodeck on something stupid like Dixon Hill. > 75. Kirk never once stood up and had to straighten his shirt. > 74. One Word: Velour. > 73. Kirk can beat a Vulcan at Chess. > 72. When Kirk was Picard's age, he retired from Admiral and took to > climbing rocks. > 71. When Picard was 37, he was only Captain of the lowly freighter, > Stargazer. When Kirk was 37, he was Captain of the flagship > Enterprise. > 70. Kirk liked a good belt of liquor every now and again. > 69. One Word: Iman. 68. Kirk looks good with a ripped shirt. > 67. If Kirk ever met a Ferengi, he would rip off its head and shit down > its neck. > 66. Kirk says "Shoot first and wait for retaliation." > 65. Kirk's first officer NEVER tells him to stay on the bridge. > 64. Kirk never leaves the room to bawl somebody out. > 63. Kirk doesn't rely on the wisdom of some dumb old > janitor to get him out of intergalactic scrapes. > 62. Two Words: Funky Sideburns. > 61. Kirk never asks his bartender for advice. > 60. Kirk never once said "Abandon ship! All hands abandon ship!" > 59. Kirk is not politically correct. > 58. Kirk never got "dumped" by a woman for an intergalactic busy body named > after a letter of the alphabet. > 57. Kirk never wore green tights and frolicked about in Sherwood Forest. > 56. If there was ever a Klingon on Kirk's bridge, Kirk would likely be > dead. > 55. Ever hear of a bar shooter called "Make it so?" No? How about a > "Beam me up Scotty" then? See the difference? > 54. One Word: Miniskirts. > 53. Kirk's girlfriends always look good in soft light. > 52. Kirk never went anywhere without a whole bunch of guys in red > shirts. > 51. Kirk's first officer didn't play some wimpy instrument like the > trombone. > 50. Kirk had more dates than his first officer. > 49. The extent of Kirk's knowledge of Klingon vocabulary can be roughly > translated as "GO F*CK YOURSELF." > 48. If something doesn't speak English -- it's toast. > 47. Kirk wasn't some prissy archaeology fan. > 46. Picard's middle name isn't tough or awe-inspiring like Tiberius is. > 45. If Kirk finds a strange spinning probe, he blows it up. > 44. Picard never met Joan Collins. > 43. Picard flunked his entrance exams to Starfleet. > 42 Picard hasn't fathered any children; Kirk -- probably millions. > 41. Kirk has a cool phaser -- not some pansy Braun mix-master. > 40. Two Words: Line Delivery. > 39. Picard grew up on a quaint little French vineyard, squishing grapes > with his toes, while Kirk slung bails of wheat and hay > in Iowa to put himself through school. > 38. Kirk emphasizes his orations with pertinent hand gestures. > 37. Kirk once made a cannon out of bamboo, sulphur, potassium nitrate, > charcoal and then fired diamonds into the hearts of his > enemies. (Need we say more?) > 36. Kirk is not put off by green skin. > 35. Kirk knows how to deal with peace loving hippy goofs. > 34. Kirk once fought a Greek god. And won. > 33. Kirk barely asks for suggestions. And if he does, he asks Spock only. > 32. Kirk doesn't let the doctor tell him what to do. > 31. One Word: Fisticuffs. > 30. Kirk's name is hated throughout the galaxy. > 29. Kirk appreciates Shakespeare, but he doesn't let it show. > 28. You can never lock up Kirk for very long. > 27. Kirk's eulogies can actually make you cry. > 26. Kirk plays god with lesser cultures, and then exploits them for > resources. > 25. Kirk's son would never drop out to become a musician. > 24. Kirk can climb up a Jeffries Tube and fix anything. > 23. Kirk never hired an engineer with punk glasses. > 22. The Klingons didn't have a word for surrender -- until they met Kirk. > 21. Kirk's bridge is not beige. > 20.Two Words: Crane Shots. > 19. Picard likes wimpy violin music -- and coerces Data into playing it. > 18. Picard allows cats on board, while Kirk beams away even really cute > things, like Tribbles. > 17. Kirk is a cultural icon -- Picard is just some guy who's really nice. > 16. Kirk specifically ordered a swivel LA-Z-BOY for the bridge. > 15. Kirk would never touch SYNTHAHOL. > 14. Kirk looks distinguished in reading glasses -- and nobody dares to > call him"four eyes." > 13. Kirk can infiltrate Gangsters, Nazis, and even the Pentagon -- easily. > 12. Picard likes painting nudes, for art's sake. > 11. When Kirk doesn't trust the Romulans, he fires at them. When Picard > doesn't trust the Romulans, he gets fired at. > 10. Kirk never once, ever,wore a wiener wrapping Speedo banana hammock on > shore leave. > 9. Kirk never gets his command codes locked out by some pimply acting > ensign. > 8. Kirk doesn't test the engines -- he just fires them up. > 7. When Kirk says "Boldly Go," he MEANS it. > 6. Three Words: Flying Leg Kick > 5. Picard's crew would never ever think of him as a sexual object. > 4. Kirk traveled through The Great Barrier, met God, and wasn't even > impressed. > 3. Kirk's bedroom is a passion pit with electric sheets. > 2. Kirk would never let his Chief of Security wear a ponytail. > 1. One Word: Balls.